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Enjoying a Lifestyle - is a reward for good planning

In our engagements with clients we establish what lifestyle our client wants to attain.  In order to achieve the desired lifestyle we develop then, with our client, a financial plan of how to build, develop and protect the desired lifestyle. A financial plan is a road map of how the client will achieve the lifestyle goals through investments, financial products and insurance. A good financial plan considers factors such as how to best maximise opportunities to save tax, how to build wealth and capital and how best to protect your assets and dependants.


The plan also takes into account the client’s appetite for risk, how much time the client has to achieve the goals, the current assets, liabilities and expenditure and important life events that may be taking place or approaching. There are certain risks that we take into consideration in order to protect a client’s lifestyle. These are: the risk of dying too soon before you have built up the estate you desire; the risk of losing your income as a result of some form of disability or impairment that does not allow you to continue working; contracting a dread disease and being burdened with the associated costs; the risk of losing or being denied insurance cover in the future, either because temporary circumstances mean you cannot make the payments or because your health or circumstances have changed such that you will not be granted insurance.

Lifestage Roadmap
Financial Profile
Risk Analysis


Lifestyle solutions

Let us help you to


with a

Does being healthy pay?
Most Financial Investment houses offer you great lifestyle rewards for being healthy.


Committing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, can reward you with discounts on your food bill, cash back rewards on luxury goods, significant savings on holiday travel, everyday flights and accommodation and even allow you to only pay for a lifecover upto retirement age. And, what's even more important, you will feel good, look good and be able to enjoy your life.

Can I take a holiday while I still have debt?
Knowing your financial profile with the risks that might threaten your lifestyle, could be the most valuable part of your Lifestage roadmap to financial freedom.
Risk and reward
You can have a great lifestyle, but "what if"... 

Let us help you to identify the risks and provide you with the options that you might want to make use of. After all it is better to know and prepare, than for you or your loved ones to be caught unexpected.

I want to enjoy my money now, but be comfortable when I'm retired....
We will help you think smart, so that you can live smart and retire smart.


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